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Early Booking 2023 Early Booking 2023

Early Booking 2023

Get ahead and book your winter vacation now!

Early Booking 2023

Book your winter vacation at Ski Portillo now! There’s nothing better than having your vacation planned and counting down the days to fun and relaxation. Book now and receive 2022 rates.

This promotion is for reservations confirmed with a 50% deposit made before March 31st.

Check out 2022 rates.

*Applies to all room categories.

Rates 2023

Rates per person in US dolars Mini Week (3 nights) Mini Week (4 nights) Ski Week (7 nights)
Double Valley 1243 1657 2900
Double Lake 1371 1829 3200
Double Lake w/ Balcony 1414 1886 3300
Double Lake 6th Floor 1414 1886 3300
Double Suite 1757 2343 4100
Single Valley 1564 2086 3650
Single Lake 1736 2314 4050
Single Lake w/ B alcony 1821 2429 4250
Single Lake 6th Floor 1821 2429 4250
Single Suite 2293 3057 5350
Family Apartment (one bathroom) 1071 1429 2500
Family Apartme nt ( two bathrooms) 1221 1629 2850
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 836 1114 1950
Octagon Lodge (3 occupants) 900 1200 2100
Octagon Lodge (2 occupants) 986 1314 2300
Inca Lodge (4 occupants) 621 829 1550
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 664 886 1550
Inca Lodge (2 occupants) 707 943 1650
*Precios de referencia en USD, por persona por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Baja.
Chalet (capacidad para 4 personas) (C1 o C4)** 2979 3971 6950
Chalet (capacidad para 6 personas) (A1 o B1 o B2)** 4864 6486 11350
Extra bed in the Chalet 686 914 1600
**Precios de referencia en USD, por Chalet por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Baja.
Rates per person in US dolars Mini Week (3 nights) Mini Week (4 nights) Ski Week (7 nights)
Double Valley 1779 2371 4150
Double Lake 1929 2571 4500
Double Lake w/ Balcony 2186 2914 5100
Double Lake 6th Floor 2186 2914 5100
Double Suite 2939 3919 6850
Single Valley 2379 3171 5550
Single Lake 2550 3400 5950
Single Lake w/ Balcony 2850 3800 6650
Single Lake 6th Floor 2850 3800 6650
Single Suite 4029 5371 9400
Family Apartment (one bathroom) 1436 1914 3350
Family Apartment ( two bathrooms) 1650 2200 3850
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 1050 1400 2450
Octagon Lodge (3 occupants) 1221 1629 2850
Octagon Lodge (2 occupants) 1457 1943 3400
Inca Lodge (4 occupants) 664 886 1550
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 686 914 1600
Inca Lodge (2 occupants) 771 1029 1800
*Precios de referencia en USD, por PERSONA por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Media
Chalet (capacidad 4 personas) (C1 o C4)** 4136 5514 9650
Chalet (capacidad 6 personas) (A1 o B1 o B2)** 6921 9229 16150
Extra bed in the Chalet 857 1143 2000
**Precios de referencia en USD, por CHALET por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Media
Rates per person in US dolars Mini Week (3 nights) Mini Week (4 nights) Ski Week (7 nights)
Double Valley 2057 2743 4800
Double Lake 2250 3000 5250
Double Lake w/ Balcony 2357 3143 5500
Double Lake 6th Floor 2357 3143 5500
Double Suite 3279 4371 7650
Single Valley 2829 3780 6600
Single Lake 3171 4229 7400
Single Lake w/Balcony 3407 4543 7950
Single Lake 6th Floor 3407 4543 7950
Single Suite 4479 5971 10450
Family Apartment (one bathroom) 1714 2286 4000
Family Apartment (two bathrooms) 1993 2657 4650
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 1071 1429 2500
Octagon Lodge (3 occupants) 1307 1743 3050
Octagon Lodge (2 occupants) 1586 2114 3700
Inca Lodge (4 occupants) 707 943 1650
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 729 971 1700
Inca Lodge (2 occupants) 793 1057 1850
*Precios de referencia en USD, por persona por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Alta
Chalet (capacidad 4 personas) (C1 o C4)** 4543 6057 10600
Chalet (capacidad 6 personas) (A1 o B1 o B2)** 7286 9714 17000
Extra bed in the Chalet 986 1314 2300
**Precios de referencia en USD, por CHALET por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Alta
  • Aplica para todo tipo de habitaciones.
Experience the legend of Portillo

2024 season dates: June 22 - September 22