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Complimentary night in Santiago Complimentary night in Santiago

Complimentary night in Santiago

Stay at one of the best hotels in Santiago.

Many guests wish to stay in Santiago either before or after their Ski vacation at Ski Portillo. So, with our guests comfort in mind, we provide a Complimentary Stay at two of the best hotels in Santiago, Chile.


Complimentary night in Santiago

To enhance your Chile experience, we are offering one complimentary night at the Ritz Carlton Santiago  or Bidasoa Eco Boutique Hotel to be used consecutively before or after your stay at Hotel Portillo.

This special offer is only for ski-week reservations, and not for mini-weeks. *Conditions apply.

  1. Book your Chile ski vacation online.
  2. Contact Portillo Reservations  to request your complimentary stay. (

Rates 2025

Rates per person in US dolars Mini Week (3 nights) Mini Week (4 nights) Ski Week (7 nights)
Double Valley 1307 1743 3050
Double Lake 1457 1943 3400
Double Lake w/ Balcony 1500 2000 3500
Double Lake 6th Floor 1500 2000 3500
Double Suite 1864 2486 4350
Single Valley 1650 2200 3850
Single Lake 1821 2429 4250
Single Lake w/ B alcony 1929 2571 4500
Single Lake 6th Floor 1929 2571 4500
Single Suite 2421 3329 5650
Family Apartment (one bathroom) 1136 1514 2650
Family Apartme nt ( two bathrooms) 1286 1714 3000
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 879 1171 2050
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 943 1257 2200
Octagon Lodge (2 occupants) 1050 1400 2450
Inca Lodge (4 occupants) 664 886 1550
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 707 943 1650
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 750 1000 1750
*Precios de referencia en USD, por persona por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Baja.
Chalet (capacidad para 4 personas) (C1 o C4)** 3150 4200 7350
Chalet (capacidad para 6 personas) (A1 o B1 o B2)** 5121 6829 11950
Extra bed in the Chalet 729 971 1700
**Precios de referencia en USD, por Chalet por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Baja.
Rates per person in US dolars Mini Week (3 nights) Mini Week (4 nights) Ski Week (7 nights)
Double Valley 1971 2629 4600
Double Lake 2143 2857 5000
Double Lake w/ Balcony 2421 3229 5650
Double Lake 6th Floor 2421 3229 5650
Double Suite 3257 4343 7600
Single Valley 2636 3514 6150
Single Lake 2829 3771 6600
Single Lake w/ Balcony 3150 4200 7350
Single Lake 6th Floor 3150 4200 7350
Single Suite 4457 5943 10400
Family Apartment (one bathroom) 1607 2143 3750
Family Apartment ( two bathrooms) 1821 2429 4250
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 1179 1571 2750
Octagon Lodge (3 occupants) 1350 1800 3150
Octagon Lodge (2 occupants) 1629 2171 3800
Inca Lodge (4 occupants) 750 1000 1750
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 771 1029 1800
Inca Lodge (2 occupants) 857 1143 2000
*Precios de referencia en USD, por persona por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Baja.
Chalet (capacidad 4 personas) (C1 o C4)** 4586 6114 10700
Chalet (capacidad 6 personas) (A1 o B1 o B2)** 7671 10229 18700
Extra bed in the Chalet 943 1257 2200
**Precios de referencia en USD, por CHALET por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Mediac
Rates per person in US dolars Mini Week (3 nights) Mini Week (4 nights) Ski Week (7 nights)
Double Valley 2250 3000 5250
Double Lake 2486 3314 5800
Double Lake w/ Balcony 2593 3457 6050
Double Lake 6th Floor 2593 3457 6050
Double Suite 3600 4800 8400
Single Valley 3107 4143 7250
Single Lake 3493 4657 8150
Single Lake w/ Balcony 3750 5000 8750
Single Lake 6th Floor 3750 5000 8750
Single Suite 4907 6543 11450
Family Apartment (one bathroom) 1886 2514 4400
Family Apartment ( two bathrooms) 2186 2914 5100
Octagon Lodge (4 occupants) 1179 1571 2750
Octagon Lodge (3 occupants) 1436 1914 3350
Octagon Lodge (2 occupants) 1736 2314 4050
Inca Lodge (4 occupants) 771 1029 1800
Inca Lodge (3 occupants) 814 1086 1900
Inca Lodge (2 occupants) 879 1171 2050
*Precios de referencia en USD, por persona por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Baja.
Chalet (capacidad 4 personas) (C1 o C4)** 4993 6657 11650
Chalet (capacidad 6 personas) (A1 o B1 o B2)** 8014 10686 18700
Extra bed in the Chalet 1093 1457 2550
**Precios de referencia en USD, por CHALET por 3 - 4 - 7 noches en Temporada Media
  • Promotion valid for Ski Week stays of 7 nights.
  • Offer only valid for Ski Weeks during mid and high season (July 5 - August 30 2025).
  • Valid only for reservations at Hotel Portillo.
  • The night's accommodation in Santiago is in a standard double or single room and includes breakfast.
  • Extras must be paid directly at each hotel.
  • Children may stay in the same room as parents with an extra bed (limited capacity).
  • Cancellations of the night in Santiago will be allowed 48 hrs in advance, otherwise No-Show will be charged.
  • The free night in Santiago must be used in the period immediately before or after the stay in Portillo. It will be reserved only by Portillo's reservations department 5 days in advance.
  • The free night's accommodation in Santiago is subject to availability. If there is no availability, another hotel in Santiago of similar category or another benefit will be used.
  • Offer cannot be combined with any other promotion or offer.
  • Promotion is non-refundable or exchangeable and is personal and non-transferable.
  • A 50% deposit is required as a guarantee at the time of booking.
Experience the legend of Portillo

2025 season dates: June 21 - September 27